2019 Railyard Riot

2019 Railyard Riot AugustAug 24 2019 08:00am UTCRailyard Riot

Teams of 2

Which division should my team sign up for?
What to expect from Rx'd events:

**This Is NOT a comprehensive list and does NOT mean these movements are guaranteed to be a part of any event. Be prepared for any movement seen within CrossFlt.com programming.
1. Higher skilled gymnastics movements that may Include, but not limited to muscle ups (any variety), handstand push-ups (any variety), rope climbs, chest to bar pullups, pullups, toes-to-bar, ring dips, muscle ups, etc.
2. Heavier working weights for any barbell movement.
3. Max lifts for any barbell movement.
4. Running, rowing, biking, skiing at any distance and/or double-unders
5. If both partners can perform 95% of CrossFit.com programming or their gym programming as Rx'd, they will be able to perform The Railyard Riot's Rx d events.

What to expect from Scaled events:

**The scaled events will be modified events from the Rx'd division. We will allow to scale any scaled event/movement, however, if the movement Is modified beyond what is written for that particular scaled event, that team will not be ranked above any team that performs every event as written. This is NOT a comprehensive list and does NOT mean these movements are guaranteed to be a part of any event.
1. Any moderately skilled gymnastics movements that may Include, but not limited to hand release push-ups, pull ups, toes-to-bar, etc.
2. Lighter working weights than Rx d for any barbell movement.
3. Max lifts for any barbell movement.
4. Running, rowing, biking, skiing at any distance

No Refunds - 1 Ticket Per Team

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Railyard Riot


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350 Canopy Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

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